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iPhone 8 Micro Soldering

iPhone 8 Micro Soldering

DIY iPhone 8 repair gone wrong. Unfortunately, the iPhone 8 was damaged while the customer tried to change the screen and battery themselves. We don't judge we just repair! You can see that a MOSFET (component) is missing off the mainboard and it gets worse because the pad that the component attaches to is also missing. 

No problem for us to repair but just a bit more time and effort.  This MOSFET is required for the charging of your iPhone 8 without it your iPhone will not charge. We micro soldered a new MOSFET into position and then ran a wire from a known point to the missing pad, We use various tools like ZXW and schematics to know where to run wires. Once a new wire was run the iPhone 8 powered on and charged normally. This is not an uncommon repair for us. Once the micro soldering was complete we replaced the iPhone battery and screen and the phone was as good as new. If you need any micro soldering done contact us and we can discuss your problem and a solution.